Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The 5 Attributes of an Effective Learner

Most anything we do in life, either to satisfy our own interests or lay the groundwork for a career, takes a bit of training. We have to learn specific skills required to perform specific jobs. Some of us learn better than others, but the ability to learn is not entirely based on our genetic makeup. You can actually learn how to become a better learner by internalizing specific attributes. Here is a list of the five attributes of an effective learner:

1. Self-directed
2. Inquisitive/Curious
3. Self-aware/Honest with self
4. Risk-taking/not afraid of making mistakes
5. Open-minded

Self-direction is very important to the learning process. It takes mental effort to really master a skill, meaning that you need to actively engage your mind when in class or while doing your homework. If you can envision how a certain skill or class will help you in the long run, you can motivate yourself to take more pride in your day to day work.

The process of learning involves making connections between disparate ideas in your mind. If you learn something in a class one day and learn something related to the first idea the next day, you need to be able to relate those two common themes in order to internalize them. If you have trouble connecting the dots, you need to ask people to help you. Asking questions and being inquisitive is essential to learning, because the process involved in formulating a question often helps crystallize a new concept in your mind.

Being honest with yourself is essential to learning. Many people, when fuzzy about a certain concept or skill, prefer to gloss over their fuzziness and focus on something less complicated. This only hinders them in the learning process. If you're confused about something, you need to admit that you don't have all the answers and go look for help. This admission may be tough at first, but it will ultimately help you to become better at whatever you're trying to accomplish.

When trying something new, you're taking a risk that you won't get it right the first time. So you're going to make a few mistakes from time to time. If you're too afraid to look silly, you won't engage your mind fully in a training session, and thus won't learn as much in the long run. You need to take your mistakes in stride as part of the learning process.

Finally, a good learner needs to be open minded. New concepts are sometimes hard to grasp. You'll enhance your ability to learn if you're willing to look at a problem from a different perspective even though you may not agree with it.

These five attributes of an effective learner can help you really expand your mind and hopefully more fully appreciate a degree program or class.

Develop your learning skills at a school near you; search by location (city or state), or subject/major. Alternatively, find an online degree program

By Sarah Clark

World Wide Learn columnist. © 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Who Uses Online Learning?

You might wonder if you're an anomaly when it comes to choosing online education and training to further your skills, earn a degree, get some continuing professional education, or simply learn something new. In fact, you're part of a growing trend among learners who are turning to the internet to for all of these things.

Both men and women use online education and training and they come from all age groups, but especially older adults, according to a study done by Les Burr, deputy director of student services at Charles Sturt University (CSU), a university in New South Wales, Australia.

Burr found that as people age, they tend to use the internet more as a source of education. People in the over 50 age group participated more than others, while women were more apt to participate in online discussion groups, regardless of whether they live in an urban or rural environment. The under-20 set is heavily engaged in full-time education now and the trend is growing.

International Data Corporation reports that enrollments in online courses are growing at 33 percent a year and will continue to climb. Another study by the same company indicates that corporate America is turning to elearning evermore as a major source of education and training.

So you're not alone - in fact you're part of a growing family of learners world wide that see elearning as a viable, attractive way to get the education they need.

By Bob Embrey
Contributing Writer to World Wide Learn. © 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Source: CNETAsia, Learning Circuits, 2003

7 Success Strategies for Distance Learners

Distance learning has special challenges. You will probably never see or meet the teacher. You won't have classmates. You don't have a campus full of people studying the same thing.

But you can succeed! Plan on it! Follow the simple tips below, and you'll do better in your learning. They may seem pretty basic, but they'll help keep you focused and on track.

1. Set goals.

Goal #1: "I will succeed in this course."
At the beginning of a new course, look through the materials. Break the lessons/assignments into manageable chunks. You might not have time to do a full lesson in one night, so plan for how much you can do, then stick to it until you're done.

2. Establish a regular study/learning schedule.

Keep a calendar or journal with your study goals and important dates clearly marked-and look at it every day (a calendar can't help you if it's closed!).
Determine what time is best for you to study. Is it after dinner on Wednesdays when your partner is at bowling? Is it Saturday mornings when the kids are at soccer?
Take breaks-walk around and stretch. Drink some water or have a light snack. If you're studying nutrition or health topics, you know how important this is!
If possible, have a dedicated study place with all the supplies you might need (computer, paper, pens, calculator, etc.)
Pace yourself. Don't over extend yourself. There's a reason it takes several years to graduate from traditional university. You're in this to learn, not just to get a certificate, so make sure you're learning, not just racing through the materials.

3. Talk about it!

Tell people what you're doing. You're more likely to stick to a course if your co-worker knows you're doing it. If you are studying high-tech or internet development, the person might just know a programmer he can hook you up with for tutoring.
Ask a friend to check up on you.
Ask someone to proof your work before you submit it.

4. Join a study group-this doesn't have to be stuffy!

Join a club. Aspiring financial planners could join a local investing club.
If you're studying a language like Spanish or Japanese, ask the owners of a local restaurant if they know anyone who might like to do language exchange with you.
Get a mentor. If you're taking a course related to health or medicine, ask a nurse or pharmacist if you can take them for coffee once a month.
Search the Internet for bulletin boards or chat rooms related to your topic.

5. Know your learning style, and use it!

Look for real-world situations and examples of what you're learning about. If you're studying about civil engineering, pay attention to bridges.
You'll be much more interested if you're involved, not just reading about a topic.
Put things into practice as early as possible.
If you're studying accounting, practice by balancing your checkbook.

6. Celebrate successes!

Reward yourself with whatever works for you, along the way. Remember, you chose to do this. Be proud of your accomplishments!

7. Ask Questions

If you don't understand something, ASK. It's been said a zillion times: the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.

It's not about memorizing - it's about learning material that will help you in your hobbies, career, and life. Memorization isn't a bad thing, but make sure you're memorizing because you are really interested in the information, and figure out a way to use the memorized information several times within a few days of learning it. It'll stick if it has real-world meaning.

By Randall Shirley
Contributing Writer to World Wide Learn. © 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Learn More About Distance Education Learning Online

Education, they say, is one of the best investments you can make for your future. This is why distance education learning online is a great way to go about getting educated for the future. It will also help you prepare for the technological challenges that life may hand you. Several websites will help you find the online degree that will help you advance. Due to the speed of changes in the world, distance education is becoming a great field to get in to and to be involved with. A good starting point is to take an online course to familiarize you with the basics of online education.

There is a wide variety of distance education online learning programs available for all occupations and educational preferences. You never know what type of course you could find from using your home computer and an internet connection, so be sure to spend some time browsing the web sites for information. Collecting the information about educational courses available online is the primary job of the sites that specialize in providing this type of information. You can trust them to provide you with ample informational packages in reference to the courses available, as researching the education is their primary purpose.

When you investigate the degrees that interest you, it's important to verify that the institution offering them is legitimate. Some online degrees are fake. You actually buy the degree, transcripts, or employer verification. They even take a payment plan! However, if you plan to use your degree for career advancement, obtaining a fake degree will probably back fire, and put you at risk of losing your job.

Types of Degrees Available

In today's market, there is virtually no limit to what type of education you can obtain through distance education online. You can coordinate any type of educational outcome with a school through online education. You can find your career path without leaving the comfort of home. Many places offer a form of online instruction involving a web cam or chat set up clients that allow you to engage in actual real time discussion without leaving your computer chair. This type of interactive education is part of why distance education learning online so popular.

You can find online associate degree programs, online bachelor's degree programs, online master's degree programs, and even PhD programs from a wide variety of distance education learning online web sites. These sites will offer courses to you in all educational fields. This makes getting your education even easier, as you do not have to leave the comfort of your own home and you can use your skills at the best of their ability within your field of study.

Learn More About Distance Education Learning Online by Gerri Stone.

What You Should Know About Online Education Certificates

The major bone of contention worldwide confronting online education is distance education online certificates. The certificate is what you're given at the end of the course or programme to show that you attended the course. The certificate unfortunately is what our society and prospective employers will use to judge your competence. The certificate is needed to show that you're educated and therefore qualified to attain any political office in the land. This and other reasons are why much importance is attached to getting certificates at the end of your educational pursuit.

However, it's been discovered that distance education online certificates is no longer to be trusted. Many employers are skeptical and are denying good and reliable graduates from online institutions employment. And the reason is not far fetched. A search for free online education certificate at google will justify what I'm telling you. There are so many online institutions out there offering free certificates. And you better not be fooled by this. These certificates, for sure are not genuine. Rather than help you, earning free certificate will spell doom for your career.

Most of the institutions offering these free certificates do send bulk mails to people all over the internet soliciting for enrollment. I have received a couple in my mailbox and often don't waste time deleting them immediately the subject shows its from one of the bogus online institutions out there. None of the reputable online institutions offering genuine certificates send out mails all over the web. You'll only receive their mail if you request for more information from them.

The only sure means of getting genuine distance education online certificates is to attend fully accredited universities or colleges. You won't have problem with prospective employers. These employers know the good and reliable online institutions on the internet and therefore cannot be fooled. Certificates from any good and reliable schools such as The university of South Africa, The open University and so on will mark you out. The employers know that you've undergone a lot of strict training before being given the certificates of these schools. And also, they have a means of detecting whether it's a downloaded certificate or not. Moreover, the employers can easily and quickly verify your certificates from any of these institutions.

If you want that dream home of yours, if you desire to achieve that financial status you've dreamt of, make sure that you get genuine distance education online certificates from reputable and reliable online institutions.

What You Should Know About Online Education Certificates by Ras Reed.

The Basics of Online Education

Do you want to further your education? It doesn't matter if you are in high school wanting to get your college education or if you are an adult just wanting to learn more to hone your craft or to change professions you have the same decision that you need to make... where are you going to go? Fortunately for you there are more options than traveling to your state university or commuting to the local community college every day to further your education. With the introduction of the Internet it has opened a whole new way of learning and that is by getting your education online. But what exactly is an online education and how does it measure up with the more traditional way of getting your education?

Online education, or distance learning, has really taken on a life of it's own in the past few years. With the availability of the Internet, and especially high speed internet access, it is becoming easier and easier to join one of the accredited online colleges (many times the more traditional colleges also offer the same classes online) and to get your degree online. These colleges are spread out over the country but that doesn't really matter to you. If you are truly getting your education online then you don't even have to be in the same city as if you were getting your degree locally. You simply log into the classroom every day to get your assignments and then you upload them (or complete them online) in order to get your grade. There isn't even a need to ever meet the teachers or other students and you can do it at any time of the day so it won't interfere with your work schedule or your life in general. And the great news is that employers are recognizing more and more that an online education is a great way to go, and they are hiring based on that degree just as much as if you were taking the classes in a physical classroom.

Yes, the world is changing, and that includes the way that many people are getting their degrees. So take the time to investigate getting your education online when you are planning furthering your education, you may find that it suites you and your lifestyle to a tee.

The Basics of Online Education by Tim Janis.