Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Who Uses Online Learning?

You might wonder if you're an anomaly when it comes to choosing online education and training to further your skills, earn a degree, get some continuing professional education, or simply learn something new. In fact, you're part of a growing trend among learners who are turning to the internet to for all of these things.

Both men and women use online education and training and they come from all age groups, but especially older adults, according to a study done by Les Burr, deputy director of student services at Charles Sturt University (CSU), a university in New South Wales, Australia.

Burr found that as people age, they tend to use the internet more as a source of education. People in the over 50 age group participated more than others, while women were more apt to participate in online discussion groups, regardless of whether they live in an urban or rural environment. The under-20 set is heavily engaged in full-time education now and the trend is growing.

International Data Corporation reports that enrollments in online courses are growing at 33 percent a year and will continue to climb. Another study by the same company indicates that corporate America is turning to elearning evermore as a major source of education and training.

So you're not alone - in fact you're part of a growing family of learners world wide that see elearning as a viable, attractive way to get the education they need.

By Bob Embrey
Contributing Writer to World Wide Learn. © 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Source: CNETAsia, Learning Circuits, 2003


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